Find your dog with us


A beautiful Podenco mix girl, born on April 20th, 2022, approx. 37 cm high at the shoulder, approx. 9 kg, vaccinated, chipped, neutered and with her EU passport she can go anywhere after her 2nd rabies vaccination on April 19th leave. Your blood tests are scheduled for next week.

She is a very friendly and happy little girl who is looking for her place in a loving family. By the way, it seems to us that she has already been in a family before. Her behavior is very calm and loving.

You can visit her anytime in our kennel in Sabinillas/Malaga.

Until then, she has accepted the position of stepmom for our puppy DANA, who missed her mom sorely.



New arrival at our kennel in Sabinillas/Malaga: our  JASPER 

Welcome little JASPER

He is a purebred Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz, tricolor, born on July 10th, 2022, approx. 35 cm shoulder height, weighs 9 kg, vaccinated, chipped, neutered, blood tested negative for 4 different diseases and ready to travel abroad with his EU passport after his 2nd rabies vaccination on April 19th.

JASPER is a very lively, friendly and loving little boy who has shown more than anyone else that the world is waiting for him. He shows his affection clearly, is very friendly, has no aggressiveness and drives the car without any problems.

Next week he will go to foster care where he will learn everything else.

He looks forward to every visit. So what are you waiting for?

DANA adopted!

Today, 20th April 2024, was DANA's day. She has been adopted. Her new family came and picked her up to bring her home to her new big sister. A new life can start!!

We are very happy for her and wish her all the happiness in the world. 

Many thanks to Lisa and family for giving her this loving home.

We helped!

We helped these two handsome Ungarian Galgos to find a new home. Therefore we are happy that both of them went to one of our members to enjoy their new forever home.

Thank you so much Gabi

JAKE adopted!

We are especially happy about the adoption of Jake, who was abandoned after 6 years in his family and came to us completely distraught. We acted immediately and introduced him to the vet. Unfortunately, it was as expected: he had neither a rabies vaccination nor any other necessary vaccinations, no valid passport or microchip - nothing! We got everything done as quickly as possible and also had him neutered. Over time, he got used to his foster mum and sooner than we would have expected, his new owner got in touch with us and adopted him. He will now be picked up personally by her new mum on 18 January and will start his journey to Austria.
We sincerely wish him the loving home he deserves and that everyone will be absolutely happy together, which we assume will be the case. 
Enjoy your new life, you unique, lovable treasure.

1000 tanks to Isabella 

KARA adopted!

Our very sweet dog girl, who has been rescued by us together with her sister HONEY from the big fire in Mijas in September 2022 found her forever home on a huge finca near Gaucin on 2rd April 2024.

We are more than happy for her and thank Andre for his love to her.

TIO adopted!

We are happy to inform you, that our cute little Tio has been adopted by a German Lady. He will travel to his new home mid of January 2024.

Have a great and spoiled life little Tio and enjoy every day.

BENJI adopted!

We are happy to inform you, that our cute little Benji has been adopted by a Swedish Lady on 2nd May 2024. His new mummy was fosterinh him foe a short time and now decided that her and her doggy Coco can't live without him anymore. Good for Benji.

Have a great and spoiled dear Benji and enjoy every day and many thanks to his new mum Erica and sister Coco.

DOMI (now Alfie)

07.07.2023 - what a beautiful day for our DOMI. He has found his loving family and can now look into the future without any worries. He is now called ALFIE and learns everything a young dog has to learn. We wish you and your family only the very best and a long life together in love and happiness.  

Thank you Laura and Thomas :-)

MINO (now Pablo)

MINO has found his loving home in Finland! Adopted in May 2023. Now he is the brother of our former DOMINO dog CHARLIE. Happy dogs, happy family! What else do we want more?

Many thanks to Hanna and Harri!

BUDDY (former  Benji)

Benji got the jackpot! Adopted by a loving family in May 2023. Happy dog, happy family! What else do we want more?

Many thanks to Denise and Toni


Happy to inform you that our darling WINNIE found a loving home, a sweet dog-brother and her own bed in La Cala in March 2023.

Many thanks to Julie

Went over the rainbow bridge. RIP little sweetheart. We will love you for ever.
Spanish Waterdog 

A beloved little darling born with a genetic heart defect that took her life on 29 March 23. We and the loving adoptive parents are heartbroken.

went over the rainbow bridge. RIP little sweetheart. We will love you for ever. Spanish Waterdog 

The sister of little Feefi (same litter) also a so much loved little darling born also with a genetic heart defect that took her life on 28th April 2023. We and the loving foster parents Thomas and Laura as well as their kids are heartbroken.

SAMURAYA adopted!

Hello, I would like to introduce myself:

My name is SAMURAYA. I am new to DOMINO and am looking for my own basket.

I was born on 5 June 2022 and am about 45 cm shoulder high and 12 kg. light. My coat colour is white with black. I don't have a specific breed to show, but I am still a beautiful dog.

I am chipped and vaccinated and have my EU passport. However, I still need to be spayed.

I would be happy if you were interested in me and would like to become my family. Please contact Petra on +34 620 651 365 or +49 157 3067 5662. I look forward to meeting you.


STINKER now TONY adopted

Our sweetheart TONY (former Stinker) also had a happy ending in a loving English family here in Spain. In April 2023 he has been adopted and moved into his new nice family.
On behalf of TONY, we would like to thank her new parents Ian and Sheila very much. 

KARA adopted

RUBIO adopted!

RUBIO got the jackpot! Adopted by our animal loving member family Ferry and Hans in Netherlands in Autumn 2023. Million thanks to both of them

Happy dog, happy family! What else do we want more? Rubio, you are in paradise now!

HONEY adopted !

We are very happy that we could find a new and loving home for our Honey. She has been recued from the big Mijas fire together with her sister Kara. In September she left us for her new caring home in Germany. 

We thank Elke very much to make this possible.

KENYA adopted !

Our little Kenya also had a happy ending in a loving German family here in Spain. In September (after our summer break) she moved into her own basket.
On behalf of Kenya, we would like to thank her new mummy Christa very much. 

ZAFIRA adopted !

On 06 of June 2022 our little sweetheart ZAFIRA started her new life with her loving mummy Zoe on the island Mallorca. 
We wish this little, friendly girl all the best from the bottom of our hearts.
Our thanks go to Zoe

Comment of the owners:

CHARLIE adopted

We are so happy!!! Our dear Bodeguero Charlie has finally found his loving family. 
His life was not easy: abandoned, half-starved, he arrived in the perrera where we found him unhappy, but not giving up hope for a better life. From that moment on, we put his wish into practice and took him first to our kennel for medical purposes and then to loving foster parents to be pampered and gain weight. Unfortunately, this only worked for a limited time. The house dog there didn't like Charlie, so he had to go again. An odyssey for the loving dog.
After some time with lots of affection and special food in the kennel, he gained weight and became more confident again and then the decisive moment came!!!
His adoptive parents came forward and loved him from the first minute. Now they are coming in early May to take him home to Finland. 
What a luck for Charlie, a loving cuddler!!! We will miss him!

TOFFEE adopted !

On 22nd of April 2022, TOFFEE's life also began anew. This was the day he started his journey to his new home and loving family in Germany, where he was welcomed with open arms. 
We wish the little, friendly boy all the best from the bottom of our hearts.
Our thanks go to Gaby, Chris and Dominik

Comment of the owners:

Vielen lieben Dank an Domino Dogs Málaga 😘und ein herzlichen Dank an Petra. Unser Toffee ist in Deutschland angekommen. Wir sind so dankbar, dass wir ihn adoptieren durften. Ihr macht einen tollen Job. Liebe Petra, du hast dir so viel Mühe gegeben, und wir sind froh, dich kennengelernt zu haben❤️macht so weiter und wir wollen auch nicht den Kontakt einschlafen lassen.Toffee ist eine Seele von Hund. Wenn uns jemand fragen würde, ich möchte ein Hund adoptieren, dann würde ich euch immer weiterempfehlen. Wir sind so dankbar Lg Gabi, Christoph und Dominik 😘😘❤️

MIA adopted! 

Adopted bei a very nice elderly couple in February 2022.

She will stay in Spain.

Many thanks

BUDDY adopted !

We are very happy that we could find a new and loving home for Buddy. Yesterday 8th of March 22 he was allowed to move in and as you can see, he already feels right at home. All the best and a lot of love little darling.

Thank you Paula


This is one of the happiest days and here's why:
Our member Krista, who has been fostering our Cashew for months, is going to adopt him soon and I know that we have given Cashew the best that is possible. He loves his family and his future sister Lottie very much and everyone loves him. What could be better????
My thanks go to Krista and her husband for their love to Cashew. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
3 words: We are happy 🥰❤️😘

DIVA adopted!

Diva has been adopted! She will stay in Spain. Thank you Piia!

LANA adopted!

She has been adopted! She will stay in Spain. Thank you Edina!


has been adopted on 11th November and she will stay in Spain. Thanks very much very much Andrew

NALA adopted!

has been adopted on 5th January and she will stay in Spain. Thank you very much Andrea

Comment of the owner:

If you want to adopt a dog, contact Domino Dog! Petra is amazing! She puts all her energy in Domino to find the best new home for the dogs. She very responsive, competent and friendly, what makes the adoption process very smooth and pleasant. The dogs are lovely treated, happy and in great health. It's wonderful! Thanks to her I am now owner of the most wonderful and happiest dog ever!!! I can highly recommend Domino and Petra! Don't shop, adopt at Domino ❤️

SIMBA adopted!

Happy to anounce that Simba, our White Siberian Husky traveled to Finland on 16th of October 2021. Thank you Jaana

DEBBIE adopted!

has been adopted in December 2021. She will stay in Spain. Thank you Michael

CANDY adopted!

has been adopted on 3rd January 2022. She will stay in Spain. Thanks very much Ina

Comment of the new owner:

Ich habe einen Hund von der Hunderettung DOMINO bekommen. 

Petra hat mir bei der Auswahl eines geeigneten Hundes enorm geholfen. Ich reise in einem Wohnmobil und nicht alle Hunde werden damit umgehen können. Vorerst hatte ich mich entschieden, eine Weile auf diesem Campingplatz zu bleiben, um mich zuerst an einen Hund zu gewöhnen. 

Die Einführung verlief gut, es standen drei Hunde zur Adoption zur Verfügung. Ein Welpe von ca. 6 Monaten sehr lebhaft und lustig (wer liebt keinen Welpen?), ist es nicht geworden. Ich sah mich schon im Camper mit einer im Ausland läufigen Hündin und heulenden Rüden um den Camper herum. 

Ein anderer Hund war auch sehr nett, aber sehr lebhaft und sprunghaft, der ist es auch nicht geworden. Ich kann keinen Hund haben, der wie ein Tischtennisball durch mein Wohnmobil hüpft. 

Candy war die dritte Kandidatin, schüchtern, ein wenig nervös, aber sehr ruhig und erwartungsvoll. Allerdings habe ich sie am zweiten Tag zu Beginn des Abends kurz herausgelassen, war auch nachmittags mit ihr draußen und das hat super geklappt. Sie hat ein bisschen Angst vor fremden Menschen und Hunden, aber ansonsten waren wir viel gelaufen. Trotzdem erschreckte sie etwas und als sie zurück zum Wohnmobil ging, brach sie aus. Sie kam nicht mehr zurück, sie war noch nicht genug an mich gewöhnt und hielt sich von mir fern. Dann kam Petra und als wir sie wiedersahen, gelang es ihr, sie zu beruhigen und wieder einzufangen. Wie glücklich war ich. Candy wird vorerst noch eine Weile an der Doppelleine bleiben, bis mehr Vertrauen kommt. Ich denke, das wird funktionieren. Candy ist ein so süßer und vorsichtiger Hund. Ich bin sehr glücklich mit ihr und der Hilfe, die ich von Petra bekommen habe. 

Alles ist tadellos in Ordnung, die Papiere, mit denen ich mit Candy reisen kann, sind aktuell und ich kann mit ihr weiterreisen. Jetzt muss ich die Zuversicht bekommen, dass sie nicht mehr wegläuft und bei mir bleibt. Aber wie jeder Hundebesitzer weiß, dauert das nur eine Weile. Daran habe ich wieder Vertrauen. 

NEIDA adopted!

traveled to Finland on 13th of November. Many thanks to Jaana who made it possible for this handsome and lovely girl.

RUBY adopted!

Ruby has been adopted. She will leave for Finland on 6th of September 2021

Thank you Jaana and Tiina!

DIANA adopted!

DIANA, a 2 years old Bodeguero girl is in need of a better home soonest. She lived the typical life of a hunting dog on a chain with less food and water. She gave birth to some puppies not long ago. We've just seen one of them.

Details will follow soon.

If you are intererested in Diana, please contact us.Thank you



LUCY adopted!

Lucy has been adopted. She will stay in Spain and left us in August 2021

Thank you Kate

Comment of the new owner:

We saw Lucy on Facebook and we just knew she was the puppy for us!  I contacted Petra and she came back to me very quickly confirming the procedure.  She answered all our questions and took us to see Lucy with her siblings and Mummy.  Petra explained the adoption process very clearly and that the puppies welfare and safety is most important.  She really cares for the dogs and made sure they were well looked after before adoption day.  Lucy (now Chi Chi) has settled in amazingly well in our house with 2 cats and is the cutest, sweetest dog!!  We are so happy to have her as part of our pack :-) Thank you to Petra and all of her team for giving us this chance xx

Thank you


PAM adopted!

Pammy has been adopted. She will stay in Spain and left us in August 2021

Thank you Cris

Awaiting the review of the owner


J.R. adopted!

Happy to anounce that J.R. traveled to Finland on 16th of October 2021. Thank you Jaana

FILOU adopted!

FILOU has been adopted. He will move to his new family in August and will stay in Spain. We wish him a long and lovely life.

Many thanks to Sara

Comment of the new owner:

Filou now COOPER! 

I saw Cooper on the Domino facebook page and immediately fell in love! I messaged Petra for more information and she sent me all the information and details about the adoption process. Petra was extremely helpful and made the adoption process nice and easy. You can tell the dogs are being looked after well - Petra follows up and keeps in contact after the adoption to check on the puppy is doing well and fitting in with his new family! 

We are super in love with Cooper and he loves life with his new brothers Jim and Iggy!! We are grateful to Petra for helping with the Adoption process! 

Thank you Domino. 

MONTY adopted!

has been adopted. He traveled to Finland on 13th of November. Thank you Jaana!

ABBY adopted!

has been adopted. She traveled to Finland on 13th of Novemver.Thank you Jaana!

DONNA adopted!

DONNA, now Lottie, has been adopted! She will leave us in August and will stay in Spain.

Thank you Krista

Comment of the new owner:

Thank you Petra and all the staff. 100% Fantastic, professional, caring people who have fought tirelessly to nurse our new fur baby and her siblings back to health. I can highly recommend your team and urge everyone to help them to continue their great work.
Our new addition has settled in perfectly! 🥰🐶

GOOFY adopted!

GOOFY, now ROCKY, has been adopted! He will stay in Spain. We wish him and his family a lot of fun and all the best. 

Thank you Louise

Curious about their comment

"Petra at Domino was so kind, generous and professional right from the start.  I saw a post on facebook about some Border Collie puppies that had been rescued and were in need of homes and lots of love.  Petra was amazing, she made sure the dog I already have and my family were going to be ok with a puppy and every step of the way was kind and helpful..  I now have the most adorable Border Collie that I have called Rocky and his new mum is my Staffy Cross called Molly.  Thank you so much for all your support and help with my new baby. He is so gorgeous and settled so well into our family. xxx"

CAMILLA adopted!

Happy to inform you that CAMILLA has been adopted! She left DOMINO in July 2021 and will stay in Spain. 

Thank you Tracey

ROCKY (3) adopted!

Happy to inform you that Rocky has been adopted now. He will move to Germany in July 2021.

Thank you Elke

MATEO adopted!

MATEO has been adopted by a family in Germany

Comment of the new owner:

Vor 2 Jahren verstarb unser heissgeliebter Hund. Bis heute hält der Verlust an. Fortgeschrittenes Alter und der Gedanke an einen Abschied hinderten uns an einem Nachfolger. Doch mit zunehmendem Abstand schwanden unsere Bedenken. Besuche in Tierheimen entsprachen nicht unserer Vorstellung (Kampfhunde). Züchter verlangten horrende Preise selbst für Mischlinge. Von einer Freundin erfuhren wir von Ihrer Organisation. Sie selbst hat einen Hund von Ihnen. Schnell wurde vermittelt und vom ersten Gespäch an fühlten wir uns wohl. Fast täglich tauschten wir uns aus. Als wir unseren Mateo entdeckten, erhielten wir viele Bilder, Videos und jeden Tag Infomationen. Bis zum Eintreffen unseres Familienzuwachses waren wir perfekt vorbereitet. Der Gedanke einen Hund zu retten war noch die Sahne auf der Torte. Mateo hat sich sofort eingelebt und wir sind glücklich, uns an Sie gewandt zu haben. Wir empfehlen Sie weiter, denn es war eine perfekte Zusammenarbeit. Vielen Dank an jeden einzelnen Ihres Teams. 

Herzlichst Andreas u. Helmut G. 

TINO adopted!

TINO has been adopted by an association in Finland in June 2021.

LULU adopted!

Lulu has been adopted by an association in Finland in June 2021.

DANNY BOY adopted!

DANNY BOY has been adopted by a family in Spain in March 2021.

Comment of the new owner

The adoption process was clear and easy. Once I saw the picture on the internet and I got in touch with Petra, she sent me the questionaire and offered to visit the dog in his foster home where they treated me very well. I took my decision quickly and as soon as the dog has had his necessary vaccinations he was given to me.

If you are looking to adopt a dog I recommend DOMINO at 100%.  Petra answers every questions you may have immediately.  

Marisol C.

MICKEY adopted!

MICKEY has been adopted by a lady in Spain in February 2021.

Comment of the new owner:

Ich habe meinen Hund Mickey von DOMINO vermittelt bekommen - "best dog ever!", sehr gepflegt und lieb. Er ist mein erster älterer Hund von einem Tierschutzverein. Bei Fragen ist stets jemand für mich da. Ich bin super zufrieden und würde es immer wieder so machen! Schön, dass es DOMINO gibt. 

Martina N.

DINO (2) adopted!

DINO has been adopted by a lady in Spain in February 2021.

Comment of the new owner

Million thanks to Petra and DOMINO for enabling me to find our beloved fur baby! Petra was so accommodating and helpful throughout the whole process. She really went above and beyond to help us. Could not have wished for a better service. Thank you so much for trusting we would give Dino a loving home.

Anna E.

NATALIA adopted!

NATALIA has been adopted by a family in Spain in February 2021.

Comment of the new owner

We adopted our dog Naty from DOMINO a couple of months ago and we are so happy we found her. Her foster mom took very good care of her which made her transition to our home much easier. She's a wonderful addition to our family. Everyone at DOMINO was very communicative throughout her adoption  process. It's a great place to adopt from.

Shannon W.

DUNA adopted!

DUNA has been adopted by a family in Spain in November 2020.

Comment of the new owner

Thanks to DOMINO and team for giving us the chance to adopt Duna. She has rejuvenated our older dogs......and us! Thank you!

Justine H.

TINTIN adopted!

TINTIN has been adopted by an association in Finland in November 2020.

CLARITA adopted!

CLARITA has been adopted by an association in Finland in November 2020. 

STEVIE adopted!

STEVIE has been adopted by a lady in Spain in September 2020.

ROCKY adopted!

ROCKY has been adopted by an association in Finland in September 2020.

MARABU adopted!

MARABU has been adopted by an association in Finland in September 2020. 

DUFFY adopted!

DUFFY has been adopted by a family in Scotland in August 2020.

Comment of the new owner

We highly recommend DOMINO. From enquiry through the pet chauffeur safe delivery of our pup, we were kept informed all the way through his journey. So happy we gave a forever home into our family for Duffy. He has been easy to train and is very well behaved after initial support in his earlier life. Thanks to all the DOMINO team.

Jane W.

DINO adopted!

DINO  has been adopted by a family in UK in August 2020.

Comment of the new owner

So we adopted Pumba (was Dino) in August last year. He is the sweetest most loving dog and I think that has come from Petra and the DOMINO team. We will never know what happened at the very beginning of his life, but when he got to DOMINO he was shown so much love and care that he flourished. DOMINO had not had a dog adopted to the UK before but they were amazing, making sure they researched everything and gave us clear information and communicated with us thougout it all. They were professional and knowledgeable and made everything smooth. We cannot thank them enough for bringing our boy to us. XXX

Cathy M.

HILDE adopted!

HILDE has been adopted by a lady in Spain in August 2020.

ROXY adopted!

ROXY has been adopted by a family in Spain in July 2020.

CINDY adopted!

CINDY has been adopted by a lady in Spain in July 2020.

CHILLY adopted!

CHILLY has been adopted by a family in Spain in February 2020.

BELLA adopted!

BELLA has been adopted by an association in Finland in February 2020.  Unfortunately she went over the rainbow bridge in February 2022 and nobody knows the reason why even the vet !?!

MONA adopted!

MONA has been adopted by an association in Finland in January 2020.

TASHA adopted!

TASHA has been adopted by a Lady in Spain in October 2019. Unfortuantely she has died of breast cancer in 2020

CHICA adopted!

CHICA has been adopted by an association in Finland in August 2019.

PEBBLES adopted!

PEBBLES (now Pipsa) has been adopted by an association in Finland in August 2019.

Comment of the new owner:

I'll always remember this day, when I met this "triple" Pebbels, Peanut and Simba at the shelter and also met their savior, Petra. I was blessed to spend some days with them and to know them better. Then came the days when I had to leave and something was going to bite the mind. At home my other 2 dogs were waiting for me. The adoption process was really simple. First I called Petra and we talked about Pebbles, then I took contact to the Finnish foundation. I filled out the forms and I was sure that Pebbles had received the necessary vaccinations and was negative blood tested. After a home check in Finland she was ready to travel. Finally we were so happy to meet her again, as if she had never forgotten. It was love at the first sight with my partner, too. I'm a little bid jealous, (hahaha). Now we have the happiest time of all our lives!

Saija K.

FRANKY adopted!

FRANKY has been adopted by an association in Finland in July 2019

PEANUT adopted!

PEANUT has been adopted by an association in Finland in July 2019.

MORO adopted!

MORO has been adopted by a nice man in Spain in July 2019.

SIMBA adopted!

SIMBA has been adopted by a dutch family in June 2019.

We thank our Sponsors!

All donations are needed and very welcome!

Click the button below to donate

Dog rescue is our job

We are still small and we still lack essential things. To carry out our task we need regular, among other things:  
1. Food donations 
2. Foster homes 
3. Rented kennels
4. Loving volunteers who want to take care of the well-being of the dogs by the hour 
5. Assistance in carrying out charity events  
6. Assistance with the placement of money collection tins  
7. Financial sponsoring and support  

Thank you for your help!

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